1.1.0 - Multiple brokers, TLS

It’s been about a month since launch and feedback for the app has been great so far.

In this release I added the probably most requested feature: being able to have multiple brokers in the app. You’re now able to add MQTT brokers to your favorites and are able to quickly switch between them. Along with that I also updated the Shortcuts and added support for multiple brokers there as well. There’s now an additional field in the shortcuts where you can define the name of the broker to be used. If left empty, it will default back to the “Default” broker which is the one the app is currently connected to.

Besides that, I also enabled support for TLS/SSL connections and the app should now be able to connect to brokers over MQTTS. Make sure to use the correct port though!

Thanks again to all the Testflight testers. For any feature requests or suggestions, feel free to send them to contact@easymqtt.app


1.2.0 - Shortcuts changes


3… 2… 1… Lauch!